Honours for Diversity and Inclusion in Maritime 2024

We are excited to launch the Honours for Diversity and Inclusion in Maritime!
The Honours will be awarded on the occasion of the International Women's Day 2024 on 8 March.
Nominations are open until 2 February 2024.
The shipping industry is increasingly recognising the benefits of diversity and inclusion (D&I) for organisations, companies and their employees. It is paramount for the maritime transport to adapt to the challenges of the twin transition towards greening and digitising the industry and to increase the attractiveness of the sector to new workers, in particular to women and young people.
Therefore, WISTA Belgium with the support of WISTA International, the European Commission’s Women in Transport - EU Platform, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and a number of maritime transport stakeholders, is organising an action to honour maritime actors’ achievements in terms of gender balance, diversity and inclusion in the maritime sector through an ‘Honours for Diversity and Inclusion in Maritime’ (D&I Honours).
The Belgian Presidency will be holding the "Brussels Conference on Wellbeing of Seafarers"on International Women’s Day (8 March 2024) in the prestigious Egmont Palace in Brussels with a special ceremony to award the honours.
Why the Honours for Diversity and Inclusion in Maritime?
The purpose of the D&I Honours is to award and showcase teams, organisations, a company, an employer or an initiative who are making a significant contribution to improve gender balance, equality, diversity and inclusion in the maritime sector at international, EU or national level.
The honours is a recognition of their efforts and work on promoting diversity and inclusion and should serve as an incentive to pursue and increase such efforts.
Disseminate the International Women’s Day theme of 2024: inspire inclusion and use the hashtag #InspireInclusion.
Who can be nominated?
Nominations for the ‘Honours for Diversity and Inclusion in Maritime’ are open to all interested organisations and parties from the maritime sector who have been impacted or inspired by the work of the nominated team, company, organisation, or individual in one of the categories listed below.
Nominations are open until 2 February 2024.
What are the achievements that we are honouring?
Each category will have one honour. The most inspiring case studies will be published as good examples and best practices.
All nominations will be assessed by a jury made up of three distinguished professionals representing the Belgian, European and international community. More information to follow!
Best improvement of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
Recognises an employer in the maritime sector who has gone the extra-mile in making gender-balance and diversity a top priority and fully integrated it in its day-to-day decisions and organisational DNA.
Best initiative against harassment
Recognises an organisation or company in the European or global maritime sector, who has developed a strong and successful initiative or programme against (sexual) harassment at the workplace (onboard ships, in ports etc.).
Best new initiative
Recognises an initiative, or an organisation in the maritime sector which has demonstrated in the past 2 years exceptional leadership through concrete action in favour of diversity and inclusion, making a positive impact on the organisation or company.